مجموعة نسمة الحجاز - كلمة المؤسس
التأسيس لاى مشروع او عمل مهمه كبيره جدا وخاصه لمن يستشعر المسؤليه الكبرى لمهمه التأسيس والبناء .لان مراحل البناء فى حياه الامم او الشعوب او المؤسسات التى تعتبر بمثابه دعامات اقتصاديه للاوطان . لذا نجد ان المؤسس اكثر حرصا ممن يلأتون بعده لانه بدا من الصفر وعايش الاحداث والمواقف كلها كبيرها وصغيرها وامل من الجميع الحرص على شركات ومنشأت الاباء والاجداد المؤسسون وبالله التوفيق
The group of souls of Hijaz - The word of the founder
Incorporation of any project or work is very important task, especially for those who feel great responsibility for the task of establishing (building), because the stage of construction in the lives of nations or peoples. And institutions that are considered the economic pillars of the nation, so we find that the founder more careful who come after him because he started from scratch and live events and attitudes all or most of the large and small and the hope of all care for companies and the founding fathers & grandparents & founders. May God reconciled Certified Arbitrator by Ministry of Justice